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mode(optional) if set to infinity, then the pagination bar will be now shown and but infinity scrolling will do the content presentation. For more information, check out the Infinity Scroller. Defaults to pagination.
children(optional) the given content can be either a function or a React node, depending on your needs. A function contains several helper functions. More details down below and have a look at the examples in the demos section.
align(optional) define the alignment of the pagination button bar. Can be center, left or right. Defaults to left.
startup_page(optional) the page shown in the very beginning. If current_page is set, then it may not make too much sense to set this as well.
current_page(optional) the page shown at the moment the component renders. Defaults to 1.
page_count(optional) the total pages count. Defaults to 1.
startup_count(optional) defines how many infinity pages should be loaded / shown on the first render. Defaults to 1.
parallel_load_count(optional) defines how many infinity pages should be loaded / shown once the user scrolls down. Defaults to 1.
min_wait_time(optional) the minimum time to wait, if the infinity scroll was invoked under that time threshold. This prevents not intentional infinity scroll loop calls. Defaults to 400 milliseconds.
place_maker_before_content(optional) if set to true, the infinity marker will be placed before the content (on top off). This could potentially have negative side effects. But it depends really on the content if this would make more sense to use instead. Defaults to false.
use_load_button(optional) if set to true it will disable the automated infinity scrolling, but shows a load more button at the of the content instead.
hide_progress_indicator(optional) if set to true no indicator will be shown.
page_element(optional) by default a <div> is used. Set it to any element you have to use. Adds also a class: dnb-pagination__page shown.
fallback_element(optional) (infinity mode) is used by the indicator, load more bar as well as by the marker. Defaults to a div.
indicator_element(optional) (infinity mode) is used by the indicator. Falls back to fallback_element if not defined.
marker_element(optional) (infinity mode) is used by the internal marker. Falls back to fallback_element if not defined.
set_content_handler(optional) callback function to get the setContent handler from the current pagination instance. e.g. set_content_handler={fn => (...)}. Use this handler to insert content during infinity mode.
reset_content_handler(optional) callback function to get the resetContent handler from the current pagination instance. e.g. reset_content_handler={fn => (...)}. Use this handler to reset all the content. You can set it to true, to programmatically reset the content.
reset_pagination_handler(optional) callback function to get the resetInfinity handler from the current pagination instance. e.g. reset_pagination_handler={fn => (...)}. Use this handler to reset all the internal states. You can set it to true, to programmatically reset the states.
end_infinity_handler(optional) callback function to get the endInfinity handler from the current pagination instance. e.g. end_infinity_handler={fn => (...)}. Use this handler to end the infinity scrolling procedure, in case the page_count is unknown.
button_title(optional) The title used in every button shown in the bar. Defaults to Side %s.
next_title(optional) The title used in the next page button. Defaults to Neste side.
prev_title(optional) The title used in the previous page button. Defaults to Forrige side.
more_pages(optional) The title used in the dots. Relevant for screen readers. Defaults to %s flere sider.
is_loading_text(optional) Shown until new content is inserted in to the page. Defaults to Laster nytt innhold.
load_button_text(optional) Used during infinity mode. If use_load_button is set to true, then a button is show on the bottom. If the startup_page is higher than 1. Defaults to Vis mer innhold.
loadButton(optional) Used to set load button text and icon alignment. Accepts a function returning a ReactNode too, so you can replace the button with your own component.
disabled(optional) if set to true, all pagination bar buttons are disabled.
skeleton(optional) if set to true, an overlaying skeleton with animation will be shown.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.


More info about translations can be found in the general localization and Eufemia Forms localization docs.

Pagination.button_titleSide %sPage %s
Pagination.next_titleNeste sideNext page
Pagination.prev_titleForrige sidePrevious page
Pagination.more_pages%s flere sider%s more pages
Pagination.is_loading_textLaster nytt innholdLoading new content
Pagination.load_button_textVis mer innholdShow more content

Content as a render property

The content can be either a function or a React Node. A function may be more useful if infinity mode is used.

{({ pageNumber, setContent, resetContent, ...otherInternalMethods }) => <code>Page {pageNumber}</code>}